KiharaI believe that the most crucial element when changing business portfolios and tackling challenges in different fields is having a human capital strategy tied to management strategy—in other words, securing the human capital needed to bring this strategy to fruition. At our company, the seeds of reform are gradually becoming evident. We have not yet reached the point, however, where we can link our strategy for management with that for human capital. It is apparent to me that we must develop a detailed strategy to ascertain the skills necessary in the new fields we plan to take on, whether we can procure those skills internally, and if not, how to secure, acquire, and train personnel internally.
HirakoWe are a company with a great number of younger people, and one where both women and employees from outside the firm are active. We are a very diverse company and I think it is fantastic. Going forward, we will see an increasingly competitive situation regarding human capital—a war of attrition—so it is important to ensure that talented people do not leave the company. Rather, I would prefer that the company attract promising personnel.